$ 0 / per 30 days
  • Listing on Website
  • Price Range
  • Location Info
  • Promotions
  • Announcement
  • Content Writing
  • Support
$ 78 / per 30 days
  • Listing on Website
  • Price Range
  • Location Info
  • Basic promotions
  • Announcement
  • Content Writing
  • Support
$ 156 / per 30 days
  • Listing on Website
  • Price Range
  • Location Info
  • Advanced promotions
  • Announcement
  • Content Writing
  • Support
$ 260 / per 30 days
  • Listing on Website
  • Price Range
  • Location Info
  • Customized promotions
  • Announcement
  • Content Writing
  • Support

Frequently asked questions

You can upload up to 2 items in the Free package, 5 items in the Basic package, 10 items in the Premium package, and 20 items in the Professional package.

You can upgrade your package either after completing the current package or by running the upgrade package alongside the current package

You cannot cancel the package once a promotion has started.